4.6.12 Libero Installation Registry File Shows Uninstalled Directories

Symptom: The Libero installer dialog box shows existing installation instances that had been uninstalled.

Cause: The Libero installer keeps installation instances in its registry file kept at the user home location by the name .com.zerog.registry.xml. After each instance is uninstalled, the instance properties lines in the registry file do not get deleted as expected. Upon subsequent installation, the installer shows the previous installations still exist.

Resolution: Remove the installation properties lines in the registry file.

Example of the registry file:
<product name="Libero SoC v11.8" id="11d9aae4-1f0b-11b2-ad7a-efd5e774d882" version="" copyright="2013" info_url="" support_url="" location="/home/mikej/prod/Libero_v11.8" last_modified="2020-01-24 02:37:58">
<vendor name="Microchip." id="11d9b6f2-1f0b-11b2-ad7a- efd5e774d882" home_page="http://www.actel.com" email=""/>

After carefully removing the above lines from the registry file, save and exit the file, and then restart the Libero installer. The previous installation will not appear.