4.6.27 Warning: Failed to Contact Web Repositories

Symptom: The following warning message appears in the Libero catalog window:
Warning: Failed to contact Web Repositories

Cause: This message can occur for any of the following reasons:

  • You do not have a connection to the Internet.
  • You do not have write permission to the disk location you have set your vault to.
  • Your vault location runs out of disk space. (For the Linux environment, The Libero vault location is set by default to your user directory in ~/.actel/vault. If your work site imposes quota restrictions on the size of user directories, you user directory may run out of disk space).
  • A firewall prevents access to the Web Repositories.
    Resolution: Perform the following procedure:
    1. Check that you have an Internet connection.
    2. Check that you have write permission to the vault location or change your vault location setting to a location to which you have write permission (Project > Vault/Repositories Setting > Vault location).
    3. Increase the disk space for the vault location to a minimum of 850 MB.
    4. Contact your IT department about firewall issues.