4.6.5 Double Quotes Around Vault Location Path on Linux Installation

Symptom: After console mode installation on Linux, the vault location shown under the Project > vault/repositories setting shows <path install libero>/bin "<path common directory>/vault". The double quotes around the vault path location should be removed.

Cause: The install.def file has double quotes around the variable for the vault location.

Resolution: Perform the following procedure:

  1. Exit Libero.
  2. At the Linux shell prompt, go to <Libero_installed_path>/data directory:

    % cd <Libero_installed_path>/data

  3. At the Linux shell prompt, issue the sed command to remove the double quotes in the install.def file:
    % sed 's/"//g' install.def > tmp.def
    % cp tmp.def install.def
    % rm tmp.def
  4. Restart Libero, and then confirm that the double quotes around the vault location path have been removed.