21.4.4 sd_clear_pin_attributes


This tcl command clears all attributes on one or more pins/ports in a SmartDesign. Pin attributes include pin inversion, mark as unused and constant value settings.

Important: This command will not work on multiple pins in release v2021.1. Support for multiple pins will be provided in the next Libero release.
sd_clear_pin_attributes -sd_name {smartdesign component name} \ -pin_names {port or pin names}


Parameter Type Description
sd_name string Specifies the name of the SmartDesign component. It is mandatory.
pin_names string Specifies the name of the port/pin for which all the attributes must be cleared. It is mandatory.
Return Type Description
None None

Error Codes

Error Code Description

Parameter 'sd_name' has illegal value.

None Parameter 'pin_names' has illegal value.
None Required parameter 'pin_names' is missing.
None Required parameter 'sd_name' is missing.
None The component 'design_name' doesn't exist.
None Parameter 'param_name' is not defined. Valid command formatting is 'sd_clear_pin_attributes -sd_name "sd_name" -pin_names "pin_names"'.

Pin 'pin_name' does not exist.

Supported Families

Supported Families
PolarFire SoC
SmartFusion® 2


This example clears all attributes of the pin {RAM1K18_0:A_DOUT_CLK} in the {sd1} SmartDesign component.

sd_clear_pin_attributes -sd_name {sd1} -pin_names {RAM1K18_0:A_DOUT_CLK}

This example clears all attributes of the pin {CARRY_OUT} in the {top} SmartDesign component.

sd_clear_pin_attributes -sd_name {top} -pin_names {CARRY_OUT}

See Also

  • sd_mark_pins_unused