21.4.50 sd_remove_net_synth_attr


This Tcl command removes synthesis attribute from the specified net of the specified SmartDesign.

sd_remove_net_synth_attr \
        -sd_name {SmartDesign component name} \
        -net_name {net name} \
        [-attr_name {synthesis attribute name}]


sd_namestringThis argument is used to specify the name of the SmartDesign component from which the net synthesis attribute is removed. This is a mandatory argument.
net_namestringName of the net in SmartDesign from which synthesis attribute is removed. This is a mandatory argument.
attr_namestringSynthesis attribute to be deleted. If the argument is not specified all the attributes are deleted.

Synthesis Attributes

The following is the list of attributes and directives available in the Synopsys® FPGA synthesis tool that are supported by SmartDesign.

Name Object Attribute/Directive
syn_insert_buffer port, instance Attribute
syn_keep net Directive
syn_maxfan port, net, instance, register Attribute
syn_no_compile_point module/architecture Attribute
syn_noclockbuf port, net, module/architecture Attribute
syn_noprune instance, module/architecture Directive
syn_preserve register, port, module/architecture Directive
Return TypeDescription

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
NoneFailed to remove synthesis attribute 'syn_keep' from the net 'net_name'. This attribute does not exist.
NoneNet 'net_name' does not exist.
NoneParameter 'net_name' has illegal value.
NoneRequired parameter 'net_name' is missing.
NoneParameter 'attr_name' has illegal value.
NoneParameter 'sd_name' has illegal value.
NoneRequired parameter 'sd_name' is missing.
NoneParameter 'param_name' is not defined. Valid command formatting is 'sd_remove_net_synth_attr -sd_name "sd_name" [-attr_name "attr_name"] -net_name "net_name"'.

Supported Families

Supported Families
PolarFire SoC
SmartFusion® 2


This example removes "syn_keep" attribute of "CLK" net in the "top" design.

sd_remove_net_synth_attr -sd_name {top} \
                         -attr_name {syn_keep} \
                         -net_name {CLK}

See Also

  • sd_set_net_synth_attr