Accessing Linux over network using SSH

Now that the IP address of the board was determined in the previous step, you can access the board remotely over the network using SSH from your Host PC Terminal with the command:

ssh root@[your board IP here]

For the example above, you would run ssh root@

Important: SmartHLS uses SSH to access and run programs on the Icicle Kit as well, so all SmartHLS projects will need to specify the BOARD_IP. In addition, if you have multiple connected programmers and only want to program a specific one, you need to specify the PROGRAMMER_ID. By default, all connected programmers are programmed. For SmartHLS IDE projects, this can be done by adding BOARD_IP=[your board IP here] and PROGRAMMER_ID=[your FlashPro ID here] to the project’s Makefile.user. For command line projects, this can be done by adding the same to the Makefile (or makefile), or exporting environment variables: export BOARD_IP=[your board IP here] and export PROGRAMMER_ID=[your FlashPro ID here].