Step 1 - Setup Required Board Connections

Important: Micro USB sockets on the Icicle board are very fragile and can easily break. Be careful when plugging/unplugging the micro USB cables. Also micro USB cables can occasionally fail, so try another cable.

The following cables must be connected to the Icicle Kit for use with SmartHLS:

  • Power cable (connects to 12V Power Supply Input).
  • Micro USB for transferring the image to the board (one end connects to USB OTG, while the other end connects to the host PC that will transfer the image).
    • This cable is used to expose the internal eMMC memory as a USB storage
    • Required only if the Linux image needs to be updated
  • Micro USB for serial communication to the board (one end connects to USB - UART Terminal, while the other end connects to the host PC).
    • This cable is used to open a serial communication terminal between the Linux system on the board and the host PC.
    • Required only if serial communication is required (for Linux image transfer or determining the board’s network IP address).
  • FlashPro6 programmer, embedded or external, connected to the host PC.
    • For an embedded programmer, connect a micro USB cable to USB Embedded Programming Connector, and make sure that jumpers J9 and J24 are closed.
    • For an external programmer, connect it to JTAG Programming Header, and make sure that jumpers J9 is open.
  • Ethernet cable, one end connected to GEM1, and the other end connected either directly to the PC, or to the same network as the host PC (for example, the same router). Tip: On Dell laptops to enable both Ethernet and WiFi at the same time you may have to modify your bios settings.