Memory Interface

The memory interface can be used for any pointer arguments or global variables (including array and struct types). The memory interface can be connected to an external RAM module that stores the corresponding data so that the HLS module can access the data in the external RAM. The pragma below specifies the memory interface type for a given argument or global variable,

// For top-level function arguments:
// Add at the beginning of the function definition
#pragma HLS interface argument(<ARGUMENT_NAME>) type(memory) num_elements(<NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS>)

// For shared global variables:
// Add before the variable definition
#pragma HLS interface variable(<ARGUMENT_NAME>) type(memory) num_elements(<NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS>)

The num_elements option is only available for array type arguments. The array size can be specified or overridden (over the declared size in C++) by specifying the num_elements option.


The specified num_elements will represent the total number of elements of the array. In the case of multi-dimensional array, the size of the outermost dimension will be overrided to (num_elements/ COMBINE_DEPTH_OF_INNER_DIMENSIONS), and the sizes of inner dimensions will remain the same. For multi-dimensional arrays, the specified num_elements has to be a multiple of the combined number of elements of all inner dimensions (except the outermost dimension). Meaning only the outermost dimension's size can be overrided.