Implementing A Custom AXI4 Master/Slave Using hls::FIFO

In addition to inferring an AXI4-stream interface as shown in the example above, hls::FIFO can also be used to implement a custom AXI4 slave or AXI4 master. The AXI4 interface protocol has 5 channels, read address (AR), read data (R), write address (AW), write data (W), and write response (B). Each channel is an AXI4 stream interface and can be described in C++ as a hls::FIFO object. For example, the read address channel has an address signal and a length signal. The AXI4 channel can be implemented as following in C++ to get the corresponding AR channel in the RTL interface.

struct RdAddrSignals { uint32_t addr;  uint8_t len; };

void MyTopFunctoin (hls::FIFO<RdAddrSignals> ar) {
  RdAddrSignals ar_sig;
  ar_sig.addr = 0x2000;
  ar_sig.len = 7;  // 8-beat burst.
module MyTopFunction (
  input clock,
  input reset,
  input         ar_ready,
  output        ar_valid,
  output [31:0] ar_addr,
  output [7:0]  ar_len