Standard C Library Assertions (assert.h)

The assertion support enables the SmartHLS to convert the assertion statements in .cpp to the equivalent checking logic in Verilog.

If you write the following code in the input .cpp file:

will generate the following Verilog with a $fatal statement.

// Unsynthesizable Statements
// synthesis translate_off
always @(posedge clk)
    if (...) begin
        // Terminate simulation and print diagnostic message with level 1
        $fatal(1, "[%s:%d] (a < b) failed to be met!\n",`__FILE__, `__LINE__ );
// synthesis translate_on
Important: SmartHLS will optimize away assertion statements that are always True at compile time.

User Example

Given a test program where the assertion evaluates to False, the assertion failure will be caught in SW/HW Co-simulation.

Let's use the C++ code below as the example input for SmartHLS to synthesize:

When we run SW/HW Co-simulation, the assert will fail and print the following information for the designers to troubleshoot:

  • RTL file location and line number
  • Assertion expression that triggered the failure
Figure 3-32. Error Message