Library Interface

TCPIP_SNMP_BIB_FILE_NAMEThe Microchip mib2bib.jar compiler is used to convert the Microchip MIB script to binary format and it is compatible with the Microchip SNMP agent. which is written in ASCII format. Name of the bib file for SNMP is snmp.bib.
TCPIP_SNMP_COMMUNITY_MAX_LENThis is the maximum length for community string. Application must ensure that this length is observed. SNMP module adds one byte extra after TCPIP_SNMP_COMMUNITY_MAX_LEN for adding '0' NULL character.
TCPIP_SNMP_MAX_COMMUNITY_SUPPORTSpecifying more strings than TCPIP_SNMP_MAX_COMMUNITY_SUPPORT will result in the later strings being ignored (but still wasting program memory). Specifying fewer strings is legal, as long as at least one is present.
TCPIP_SNMP_MAX_MSG_SIZEThe maximum length in octets of an SNMP message which this SNMP agent able to process. As per RFC 3411 snmpEngineMaxMessageSize and RFC 1157 ( section 4- protocol specification ) and implementation supports more than 480 whenever feasible. It should be divisible by 16
TCPIP_SNMP_MAX_NON_REC_ID_OIDUpdate the Non record id OID value which is part of CustomSnmpDemoApp.c file. This is the maximum size for gSnmpNonMibRecInfo which is the list of static variable Parent OIDs which are not part of mib.h file. This structure is used to restrict access to static variables of SNMPv3 OIDs from SNMPv2c and SNMPv1 version. With SNMPv3 all the OIDs accessible but when we are using SNMPv2c version , static variables of the SNMPv3 cannot be accessible with SNMP version v2c. SNMP agent supports both SMIv1 and SMIv2 standard and snmp.mib has been updated with respect to SMIV2 standard and it... more
TCPIP_SNMP_NOTIFY_COMMUNITY_LENMaximum length for SNMP Trap community name
TCPIP_SNMP_OID_MAX_LENMaximum length for the OID String. Change this to match your OID string length.
TCPIP_SNMP_TASK_PROCESS_RATESNMP task processing rate, in milli-seconds. The SNMP module will process a timer event with this rate for processing its own state machine, etc. The default value is 200 milliseconds. The lower the rate (higher the frequency) the higher the module priority and higher module performance can be obtained The value cannot be lower than the TCPIP_STACK_TICK_RATE.
TCPIP_SNMP_TRAP_COMMUNITY_MAX_LENThe maximum size of TRAP community string length
TCPIP_SNMP_TRAP_COMMUNITY_MAX_LEN_MEM_USETrap information. This macro will be used to avoid SNMP OID memory buffer corruption
TCPIP_SNMP_TRAP_TABLE_SIZEThis table maintains list of interested receivers who should receive notifications when some interesting event occurs.
TCPIP_SNMPV3_AUTH_LOCALIZED_PASSWORD_KEY_LENSNMPv3 Authentication Localized password key length size
TCPIP_SNMPV3_AUTH_LOCALIZED_PASSWORD_KEY_LEN_MEM_USESNMPv3 authentication localized Key length for memory validation
TCPIP_SNMPV3_PRIV_LOCALIZED_PASSWORD_KEY_LEN_MEM_USESNMPv3 privacy key length size for memory validation
TCPIP_SNMPV3_USER_SECURITY_NAME_LENMaximum size for SNMPv3 User Security Name length.
TCPIP_SNMPV3_USER_SECURITY_NAME_LEN_MEM_USEUser security name length for memory validation
TCPIP_SNMPV3_USM_MAX_USERMaximum number of SNMPv3 users. User Security Model should have at least 1 user. Default is 3.
**SNMP Module Functions **
TCPIP_SNMP_NotifyIsReadyResolves given remoteHost IP address into MAC address.
TCPIP_SNMP_NotifyPrepareCollects trap notification info and send ARP to remote host.
TCPIP_SNMP_TrapTimeGetGets SNMP Trap UDP client open socket time-out.
TCPIP_SNMP_ClientGetNetGet a network interface for SNMP TRAP.
TCPIP_SNMP_ExactIndexGetTo search for exact index node in case of a Sequence variable.
TCPIP_SNMP_IsValidCommunityValidates community name for access control.
TCPIP_SNMP_IsValidLengthValidates the set variable data length to data type.
TCPIP_SNMP_MibIDSetSets the agent MIB ID for SNP notification.
TCPIP_SNMP_NextIndexGetTo search for next index node in case of a Sequence variable.
TCPIP_SNMP_ReadCommunityGetGets the readCommunity String with SNMP index.
TCPIP_SNMP_RecordIDValidationUsed to restrict the access dynamic and non dynamic OID string for a particular SNMP Version.
TCPIP_SNMP_SendFailureTrapPrepares and validates the remote node that will receive a trap and send the trap PDU.
TCPIP_SNMP_TrapInterFaceSetSets the TRAP interface for SNMP notification.
TCPIP_SNMP_TRAPMibIDGetGets the agent MIB ID for SNP notification.
TCPIP_SNMP_TrapSendFlagGetGets the status of trap send flag.
TCPIP_SNMP_TrapSendFlagSetSets the status of trap send flag.
TCPIP_SNMP_TrapSpecificNotificationGetGets the specific trap.
TCPIP_SNMP_TrapSpecificNotificationSetSets the specific trap, generic trap, and trap ID.
TCPIP_SNMP_VarbindGetUsed to get/collect OID variable information.
TCPIP_SNMP_VarbindSetSets the MIB variable with the requested value.
TCPIP_SNMP_WriteCommunityGetGets the writeCommunity String with SNMP index.
TCPIP_SNMP_AuthTrapFlagGetGets the status of authentication trap flag.
TCPIP_SNMP_AuthTrapFlagSetSets the status of authentication trap flag.
TCPIP_SNMP_IsTrapEnabledGets the SNMP Trap status.
TCPIP_SNMP_ReadCommunitySetSets the readCommunity String with SNMP index.
TCPIP_SNMP_SocketIDGetGets the Socket ID for SNMP Server socket.
TCPIP_SNMP_SocketIDSetSets the Socket ID for SNMP Server socket.
TCPIP_SNMP_TaskStandard TCP/IP stack module task function.
TCPIP_SNMP_TRAPTypeGetGet SNMP Trap type for version v1 and v2c.
TCPIP_SNMP_TRAPv1NotifyCreates and Sends TRAPv1 pdu.
TCPIP_SNMP_TRAPv2NotifyCreates and sends TRAP PDU.
TCPIP_SNMP_ValidateTrapIntfGets the status of trap interface.
TCPIP_SNMP_WriteCommunitySetSets the writeCommunity String with SNMP index.
SNMPv3 Module Functions
TCPIP_SNMPV3_EngineUserDataBaseGetGet SNMPv3 engine data base details.
TCPIP_SNMPV3_EngineUserDataBaseSetSet SNMPv3 engine data base details.
TCPIP_SNMPv3_TrapConfigDataGetGets the SNMPv3 Trap configuration details using the user name index.
TCPIP_SNMPv3_NotifyCreates and Sends SNMPv3 TRAP PDU.
TCPIP_SNMPV3_TrapTypeGetGets SNMP Trap type for version v3.
SNMP Data Types and Constants
SNMP_COMMUNITY_TYPEDefinition to represent different type of SNMP communities.
SNMP_END_OF_VARThis Macro is used for both SNMP SET and GET Variable processing to indicate the end of SNMP variable processing. For multi byte data request, the end byte will be always SNMP_END_OF_VAR.
SNMP_INDEX_INVALIDThis Macro is used for both SNMP SET and GET Sequence Variable processing. SNMP starts processing the start of sequence variable with Invalid index. TCPIP_SNMP_ExactIndexGet and TCPIP_SNMP_NextIndexGet returns a valid index as per SNMP_INDEX_INVALID.
SNMP_NON_MIB_RECD_INFORestrict access for specific OIDs.
SNMP_START_OF_VARThis Macro is used for both SNMP SET and GET Variable processing to indicate the start of SNMP variable processing. For multi byte data request, the first byte will be always SNMP_START_OF_VAR.
SNMP_TRAP_IP_ADDRESS_TYPEDefinition of the supported address types for SNMP trap.
SNMP_VALDefinition to represent SNMP OID object values.
SNMP_IDSNMP dynamic variable ID.
SNMP_INDEXSNMP sequence variable index.
SNMP_V1This macro is used for SNMP version 1
SNMP_V2CThis macro is used for SNMP version 2 with community
SNMP_V3This macro is used for SNMP version 3 with authentication and privacy
SNMP_GENERIC_TRAP_NOTIFICATION_TYPEDefinition to represent different SNMP generic trap types.
SNMP_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_TRAP_NOTIFICATION_TYPEDefinition to represent different SNMP vendor trap types.
SNMPv3 Data Types and Constants
SNMPV3_HMAC_HASH_TYPEDifferent type of authentication for SNMPv3.
SNMPV3_PRIV_PROT_TYPEDifferent type of encryption and decryption for SNMPv3.
STD_BASED_SNMP_SECURITY_MODELDifferent Security services for SNMPv3 messages.
STD_BASED_SNMPV3_SECURITY_LEVELDifferent Security Level for SNMPv3 messages.
TCPIP_SNMPV3_USERDATABASECONFIG_TYPEDifferent Configuration parameters of SNMPv3 operation
TCPIP_SNMP_COMMUNITY_CONFIGSNMP community configuration.
TCPIP_SNMP_MODULE_CONFIGSNMP module configuration.
TCPIP_SNMPV3_TARGET_ENTRY_CONFIGSNMP module trap target address configuration.