14.1.1 MPLAB X IDE Windows Management

Information on managing IDE windows may be found in the NetBeans help topic:

Managing IDE Windows

Additional window information is provided below.

Window Data Updates

Open windows are updated on a program halt (except for Flash memory windows, which must be read). A program halt includes a halt after a run and stepping. Halt updates can have the following effects:

  • Speed – Updating takes time. To decrease update time, close any unused windows.
  • Data overwrites – The value of a file register displayed in an open window is read on halt. See your device data sheet for the register operation on read.

Window Data Changes

MPLAB X IDE window data may be edited as described below. If you cannot edit the data, then that information is not available for you to change.

  • Data may be edited “in place.” Either double click to select an item and then type in a new value, or click on the ellipsis (...) next to an item and type the new value in the window that pops up.
  • Data may be chosen from a drop-down list when only certain choices are possible.

Window Column Display

For some windows, you can change the column display. Click on the icon in the window top right corner.

Change column display.
Change visible columns.
Figure 14-1. Change Visible Columns Example

Window Focus

To ensure that you have a window in focus, click not only on the window frame, but also on a button, a table cell, or a drop-down combo box.