SOTCA – Start Of Telegram Conditions for Path A

Offset: 0x094
Reset: 0x00

This is the configuration register for the wake check OK on path A interrupt (RDSIFR.WCOA) and start of telegram on path A interrupt (RDSIFR.SOTA). A condition is activated by setting the corresponding bit to high. The interrupts are set if all activated conditions are met. The current status of the conditions can be checked by reading the SOTSA register.

Bit 76543210 
Reset 11111111 

Bit 7 – WCOBOE Wake Check OK from Path B OK Enable

Writing this bit to ‘1’ selects the wake check OK condition for path B (RDSIFR.WCOB) as a precondition for a successful wake check OK on path A (RDSIFR.WCOA) and start of telegram on path A (RDSIFR.SOTA).

Bit 6 – RROEA RSSI Range OK Enable for Path A

Writing this bit to ‘1’ enables the RSSI range OK on path A (SOTSA.RROA) as a condition for the wake check OK on path A (RDSIFR.WCOA) and start of telegram on path A (RDSIFR.SOTA) interrupts. The SOTSA.RROA is ignored if this bit is cleared.

Bit 5 – SFIDEA Start of Frame Identifier Match Enabled for Path A

Writing this bit to ‘1’ enables the start frame ID match on path A as a condition for the start of telegram on path A (RDSIFR.SOTA) interrupt. The start frame ID result is ignored if this bit is cleared.

Bit 4 – WUPEA Wake-Up Pattern Match Enabled for Path A

Writing this bit to ‘1’ enables the wake-up pattern match on path A as a condition for the wake check OK on path A (RDSIFR.WCOA) and start of telegram on path A (RDSIFR.SOTA) interrupts. The wake-up pattern result is ignored if this bit is cleared.

Bit 3 – MANOEA Manchester Coding OK Enabled for Path A

Writing this bit to ‘1’ enables the Manchester coding check OK output from path A as a condition for the wake check OK on path A (RDSIFR.WCOA) and start of telegram on path A (RDSIFR.SOTA) interrupts. The Manchester coding check result is ignored if this bit is cleared.

Bit 2 – SYTOEA Symbol Timing OK Enabled for Path A

Writing this bit to ‘1’ enables the symbol timing check OK output from path A as a condition for the wake check OK on path A (RDSIFR.WCOA) and start of telegram on path A (RDSIFR.SOTA) interrupts. The symbol timing check result is ignored if this bit is cleared.

Bit 1 – AMPOEA Amplitude OK Enabled for Path A

Writing this bit to ‘1’ enables the demodulator amplitude check OK output from path A as a condition for the wake check OK on path A (RDSIFR.WCOA) and start of telegram on path A (RDSIFR.SOTA) interrupts. The demodulator amplitude check result is ignored if this bit is cleared.

Bit 0 – CAROEA Carrier Check OK Enabled for Path A

Writing this bit to ‘1’ enables the carrier check OK output from path A as a condition for the wake check OK on path A (RDSIFR.WCOA) and start of telegram on path A (RDSIFR.SOTA) interrupts. The carrier check result is ignored if this bit is cleared.