44.7 I/O Pin Electrical Specifications

Table 44-8. I/O Pin AC/DC Electrical Specifications
AC - DC CHARACTERISTICS Standard Operating Conditions: VDD & VDDIO 2.7V to 5.5V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature -40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C for Extended Temp

Param. No. Symbol Characteristics(1) Min. Typical Max. Units Conditions
DI_15 RPDWN Internal Pull-Dwn (DIR = OUT = 0, PULLEN = 1) 60 kΩ VDDIOx(min) - VDDIO(max)
DI_17 RPUP Internal Pull-Up (DIR = 0, OUT = PULLEN = 1) 60 kΩ
DI_25 TRISE I/O pin Rise Time (Standard Pins, Low Drv Strength, DRVSTR = 0)(2) 26.1 ns VDDIOx(min), CLOAD = 30pf(MIN)
I/O pin rise time (High Sink, Low Drv Strength, DRVSTR = 0 (1) 17.6 ns
I/O pin Rise Time (Standard pins, High Drv Strength, DRVSTR = 1)(2) 15.1 ns
I/O pin rise time (High Sink, High Drv Strength, DRVSTR = 1 (1) 11.3 ns
DI_27 TFALL I/O pin Fall Time (Standard Pins, Low Drv Strength, DRVSTR = 0)(2) 24.4 ns
I/O pin Fall time (High Sink, Low Drv Strength, DRVSTR = 0 (1) 19.7 ns
I/O pin Fall Time (Standard pins, High Drv Strength, DRVSTR = 1)(2) 15.3 ns
I/O pin Fall time (High Sink, High Drv Strength, DRVSTR = 1 (1) 12.3 ns
  1. Any number and/or combination of I/O pins not excluded under IICL or IICH conditions are permitted provided the “absolute instantaneous” sum of the input injection currents from all pins do not exceed the specified ∑IICT limit. To limit the injection current the user must insert a resistor in series RSERIES (i.e., RS), between input source voltage and device pin. The resistor value is calculated according to:
    • For negative Input voltages less than (GND-0.3): RS ≥ absolute value of | ((VIL source - (GND - 0.3)) / IICL) |
    • For positive input voltages greater than (VDDIO +0.3): RS ≥ ((VIH source - (VDDIO +0.3))/ IICH)
    • For Vpin voltages > VDDIO +0.3 and <GND-0.3 then RS = the larger of the values calculated above
  2. The following pins are High-Sink pins and have different properties than standard pins: PA10, PA11, PB10, PB11.
  3. The following pins are TWIHS pins and have the same properties as standard pins when not used as SERCOM I2C pins: PA08, PA09, PA12, PA13, PA16, PA17, PA22, PA23. When used in SERCOM I2C mode, refer to I2CM_5/7 and I2CS_5/7 parameters.