35.9.28 XDMAC Channel x Configuration Register [x = 0..6]

Offset: 0x78 + n*0x40 [n=0..6]
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: Read/Write

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 

Bits 30:24 – PERID[6:0] Channel x Peripheral Hardware Request Line Identifier

This field contains the peripheral hardware request line identifier. PERID refers to identifiers defined in “DMA Controller Peripheral Connections”.

Bit 23 – WRIP Write in Progress (this bit is read-only)

0 (DONE): No active write transaction on the bus.

1 (IN_PROGRESS): A write transaction is in progress.

Bit 22 – RDIP Read in Progress (this bit is read-only)

0 (DONE): No active read transaction on the bus.

1 (IN_PROGRESS): A read transaction is in progress.

Bit 21 – INITD Channel Initialization Done (this bit is read-only)

0 (IN_PROGRESS): Channel initialization is in progress.

1 (TERMINATED): Channel initialization is completed.

Note: When set to 0, XDMAC_CUBC.UBLEN and XDMAC_CNDA.NDA field values are unreliable each time a descriptor is being updated. See 35.8 XDMAC Software Requirements.

Bits 19:18 – DAM[1:0] Channel x Destination Addressing Mode

0 FIXED_AM The address remains unchanged.
1 INCREMENTED_AM The addressing mode is incremented (the increment size is set to the data size).
2 UBS_AM The microblock stride is added at the microblock boundary.
3 UBS_DS_AM The microblock stride is added at the microblock boundary; the data stride is added at the data boundary.

Bits 17:16 – SAM[1:0] Channel x Source Addressing Mode

0 FIXED_AM The address remains unchanged.
1 INCREMENTED_AM The addressing mode is incremented (the increment size is set to the data size).
2 UBS_AM The microblock stride is added at the microblock boundary.
3 UBS_DS_AM The microblock stride is added at the microblock boundary, the data stride is added at the data boundary.

Bit 14 – DIF Channel x Destination Interface Identifier

0 (AHB_IF0): The data is written through system bus interface 0.

1 (AHB_IF1): The data is written though system bus interface 1.

Bit 13 – SIF Channel x Source Interface Identifier

0 (AHB_IF0): The data is read through system bus interface 0.

1 (AHB_IF1): The data is read through system bus interface 1.

Bits 12:11 – DWIDTH[1:0] Channel x Data Width

0 BYTE The data size is set to 8 bits
1 HALFWORD The data size is set to 16 bits
2 WORD The data size is set to 32 bits

Bits 10:8 – CSIZE[2:0] Channel x Chunk Size

0 CHK_1 1 data transferred
1 CHK_2 2 data transferred
2 CHK_4 4 data transferred
3 CHK_8 8 data transferred
4 CHK_16 16 data transferred

Bit 7 – MEMSET Channel x Fill Block of Memory

0 (NORMAL_MODE): Memset is not activated.

1 (HW_MODE): Sets the block of memory pointed by DA field to the specified value. This operation is performed on 8-, 16- or 32-bit basis.

Bit 6 – SWREQ Channel x Software Request Trigger

0 (HWR_CONNECTED): Hardware request line is connected to the peripheral request line.

1 (SWR_CONNECTED): Software request is connected to the peripheral request line.

Bit 4 – DSYNC Channel x Synchronization

0 (PER2MEM): Peripheral-to-memory transfer.

1 (MEM2PER): Memory-to-peripheral transfer.

Bits 2:1 – MBSIZE[1:0] Channel x Memory Burst Size


The memory burst size is set to one.


The memory burst size is set to four.


The memory burst size is set to eight.


The memory burst size is set to sixteen.

Bit 0 – TYPE Channel x Transfer Type

0 (MEM_TRAN): Self-triggered mode (memory-to-memory transfer).

1 (PER_TRAN): Synchronized mode (peripheral-to-memory or memory-to-peripheral transfer).