5.2.2 Get Connection Status (GK)

Format: GK

To obtain the current connection status of the RNBD451 module, use the “Get Connection Status” command, “GK”.

This command does not require any input parameters. Depending on the module's current connection status, the command provides different outputs:
  1. If the RNBD451 module is not currently connected to any device, the output will be “none”.
  2. If the RNBD451 module is connected to a device, the "GK" command returns the following connection information:
    1. <Peer BT Address>,<Address Type>,<Connection Type>, where
      • <Peer BT Address> – Is the 6-byte hex address of the peer device
      • <Address Type> – Is either 0 for public address or 1 for random address
      • <Connection Type> – Specifies if the connection enables the UART transparent feature, where 1 indicates UART transparent is enabled and 0 indicates UART transparent is disabled.
Example: GK // Get current connection status
Response: None // If not connected
<Peer BT Address>,<Address Type>,<Connection Type> // If connected