5.2.13 Shutdown (O,0)

Format: O,0

Use this command to enter the Shutdown state. The system stays in Extreme Deep Sleep (XDS) mode in this state, and it consumes extreme low power. A hard reset or pulling the UART_RX_IND (UART RX Indication, PB4) pin low can bring the system back to Active mode. The following figure illustrates the wake-up timing of the RNBD451 module using the UART_RX_IND (UART RX Indication, PB4) pin.

Figure 5-1. Wake-Up the RNBD451 Module from XDS Timing Diagram
Note: T1: The time prior to UART data. This time must be greater than 25 ms.
Example: O,0
Response: AOK // Success
Err // Syntax error or invalid parameter