5.2.16 Set Debug Log (SLOG,<hex8>)

Format: SLOG,<hex8>

Use this command to configure the options for the debugging log. The logs are routed to the second UART port with 921600 baud rates. The debug log collection feature helps the user to debug the issues by looking at the Bluetooth Low Energy packet exchanged Over-the-Air (OTA) and put forward the opportunity to resolve the issue faster by means to sharing the collected log.

The input parameter is an 8-bit bitmap. The following table provides details that indicate log options. After changing this setting, a reboot is necessary to make the changes effective.

Table 5-3. Bitmap of Log Options
Option Bitmap Description
LL high priority information 0x01 If set, the firmware makes the trace log of link layer high priority information available.
LL low priority information 0x02 If set, the firmware makes the trace log of link layer low priority information available.
Stack trace log 0x04 If set, the firmware makes the trace log of stack layer available.
Virtual sniffer 0x08 If set, the virtual sniffer will be enabled. Note that this feature cannot be enabled if any one of the above three options are enabled. For more details, refer to 7.5 Virtual Sniffer.
Invalidate virtual sniffer feature 0xFF If all bits are set, it invalidates the virtual sniffer feature and cannot be enabled any more except with a factory reset to reset the settings.
Default: 00
Example: SLOG,07 // Enable all trace log
Response: AOK // Success
Err // Syntax error or invalid parameter
Note: The PDS stores this parameter. A reboot is necessary to make the changes effective.