5.2.7 Set Status Delimiter (S%,<pre>,<post>)

Format: S%,<pre>,<post>

This command sets the pre and post delimiter of the status string from the RNBD451 module to the host controller. The pre and post delimiter are up to four printable ASCII characters.
  • If no parameter is given to the post delimiter, the post delimiter is cleared.
  • If no parameter is given to the pre-delimiter, both the pre- and post-delimiters are cleared and the RNBD451 module does not send any status string to the host controller, except some status strings including WV, INDI, NOTI, KEY_REQ, KEY, DATA and advertising report status strings.
Default: %
Example: S%,<$,#>

// Set pre-delimiter to <$ and post-delimiter to #>

// When the output status string is Reboot, instead

// of %REBOOT%, the output is <$REBOOT#>

Response: AOK // Success
Err // Syntax error or invalid parameter
Note: The PDS stores the parameter, and the user can bring it into immediate effect without a reboot.