5.2.15 Set Application Options (SR,<hex16>)

Format: SR,<hex16>

This command sets the supported feature of the RNBD451 module. The input parameter is a 16-bit bitmap that indicates the supported features.

Note: After changing the features, a reboot is necessary to make the changes effective.
The following table provides details about the bitmap of features.
Table 5-2. Bitmap of Features




Enable Flow Control


If set, the device enables hardware flow control. A reboot is necessary to make the changes effective.

No Prompt


If set, the device does not send prompt CMD> when the RNBD451 module is ready to accept the next command. If cleared, the device sends out prompt CMD> when it is ready to take the next command.

Fast Mode


If set, no checking of the configuration detect character in transparent UART mode is done. Instead, to enter Command mode, the RNBD451 module depends on the pin configured as the UART mode switch.

Enable Pin Status Indication


If set, the pin status indicator is enabled immediately and the RNBD451 module triggers GPIOs (PB3 and PB7) to indicate the RNBD451 module status. For more details, refer to 4.1 Bluetooth Low Energy Status Indication Pin 1 (PB3) and Pin 2 (PB7).

No Connect Scan


If set, no connectable advertisement shows up in the scan result.

No Duplicate Scan Result Filter


If set, the RNBD451 module does not filter out duplicate scan results. The recommendation is that this bit is set if the RNBD451 module expects a beacon or a peer device that dynamically changes its advertisement.

Passive Scan


If set, the RNBD451 module performs a passive scan instead of a default active scan.

UART Transparent Without ACK


If there is a credit base flow control in UART Transparent, the device uses write without response for UART Transparent and the device uses write request for UART Transparent when the credit number is zero.

If there is not a credit base flow control in UART Transparent, the device uses write request for UART Transparent.

Reboot After Disconnection


If set, the RNBD451 module reboots after disconnection.

Disable to Drop Received Data in Command Mode of Single


If set, do not drop the received data in the Command mode of a single link.

Enable Network Privacy Mode

0x0020If set, the RNBD451 module uses the network Privacy mode. The peer device must support privacy and use the resolvable private address. Otherwise, it fails to create a connection with the RNBD451 module.
No Response of IE Command0x0010If set, the RNBD451 module does not send the response when the host MCU sends data in specific connection by IE command. The Err still returns if the parameters of command is wrong.

Command Mode Guard

0x0008If set, the device sees any bytes before or after the $$$ characters in a one-second window, the device does not enter Command mode and these bytes are passed through.
No Bluetooth® Low Energy Advertising0x0004If set, the Bluetooth® Low Energy advertising is not enabled automatically after power-on.
Command Mode Switch by Pin (PB2)0x0002If set, it can use the specific pin to switch Command mode and Data mode.

When the host MCU pulls the UART mode switch pin from low to high (rising edge), the RNBD451 module switches to the Data mode.

When the host MCU pulls the UART mode switch pin from high to low (falling edge), the RNBD451 module switches to the Command mode.

Enable Bluetooth Status LED (PB5)

0x0001If set, the LED is enabled and LED function is effective after reboot.
To indicate the Bluetooth Low Energy connection status by specific LED flash pattern, see the following pattern description:
  • Standby mode
    • No Bluetooth Low Energy connection. The RNBD451 module is in Advertisement or Scan state. Flash one time for every three seconds.
    • ON – 50 ms
    • OFF – 2950 ms
  • Linked mode
    • Bluetooth Low Energy ACL link is connected whether central or peripheral role. Flash two times for every 1.5 seconds.
    • ON – 50 ms
    • OFF – 150 ms
    • ON – 50 ms
    • OFF – 1050 ms
Example:SR,A000// Enable hardware flow control and Fast mode
Response:AOK// Success

// Syntax error or invalid parameter

Note: The PDS stores this parameter.