Add One Device Into Accept List (JA,<0,1>,<BDA>)

Format: JA,<0,1>,<BDA>

Use command JA to add a MAC address to the accept list. When one device is added to the accept list, the accept list feature is enabled. With the accept list feature enabled, when performing a scan, any device not included in the accept list does not appear in the scan results. As a peripheral, any device not listed in the accept list cannot be connected with a local device. The RNBD451 module supports up to eight addresses in the accept list. If the accept list is full, any attempt to add more addresses returns an error.

Command JA expects two input parameters. The first parameter is ‘0’ or ‘1’, indicating that the following address is public or private. The second parameter is a six-byte address in hex format.

When the input address is a random address, it must be a static random address. If there is a change in the random address, this device is no longer considered to be on the accept list.

Default None
Example: JA,0,112233445566 // Add public address 0x112233445566 to

// accept list

Response: AOK // Success
Err // Syntax error or invalid parameter