Start Bonding Process (B[,<hex16>])

Format: B

Use command B to secure the connection and bond two connected devices. Command B is only effective if two devices are already connected. The bonding process can be initiated from either the central or the peripheral device. There is an optional parameter for the connection handle to perform the bonding process in a specific link.

When bonded, security materials are saved in both ends of the connection. Therefore, reconnection between bonded devices does not require authentication, and the user can do the reconnection in a very short time.

If the bonded connection is lost due to any reason, reconnection does not automatically provide a secured link when the device is connected by a remote side. To secure the connection, the user must issue another B command.

Default Not bonded
Example: B // Bond with connected peer device
Response: AOK // Success
%SECURED% // Status string
%BONDED% // Status string
Err // Not connected yet
%ERR_SEC% // Failed in security