Set Fixed Pin Code (SP,<4/6 digit pin>)

Format: SP,<4/6 digit pin>

This command sets the fixed security pin code. The fixed pin code has two functionalities:

  1. If the fixed pin is a six-digit code, use it to display when I/O capability (see Table 5-22) is set to display only by command. For that, first, set the fixed pin as a six-digit code using the SP command, then, set the pairing mode to Display Only (value 4). The six-digit pin is used for the Simple Secure Pairing (SSP) authentication method in Bluetooth Low Energy if a fixed passkey is desired. In this way, the RNBD451 module is not required to display the passkey if the remote peer already knows the passkey. The user must understand the security implication by using the fixed passkey.
  2. Use the four-digit pin code option to authenticate remote command connection.
Default: 000000
Example: SP,123456 // Set pin code to 123456
Response: AOK // Success

// Syntax error or invalid parameter

Note: The PDS stores this parameter and is effective immediately without a reboot.