Set Pairing Mode (SA,<0-5>,[<0,1>])

Format: SA,<0-5>,[<0,1>]

The Set Authentication (SA) command configures the authentication method between the RNBD451 module and peer device when securing the Bluetooth Low Energy link. The respective authentication method must be selected based on the I/O capabilities supported in both sides. The following table provides details about the options for the command parameter.

When a remote device pairs with the RNBD451 module, a link key is stored for future authentication. The device automatically stores authentication information for up to eight peer devices in PDS.

If the bonded device table is filled with eight entries and a ninth entry to be added, the ninth entry replaces the first entry on the table. If any particular entry in the bonded device table is deleted, a new entry to the table takes the place of the deleted entry.

Table 5-22. Set I/O Capability



0No Input No Output with BondingThe RNBD451 module as a responder requests pairing to bond with the remote device automatically.


Display Yes/No

The RNBD451 module as a responder requests pairing to bond with the remote device automatically. In general, it needs users to do numeric comparison and confirm. The actual pairing method happens via the I/O capabilities in both sides.


No Input No Output

The RNBD451 module as a responder does not request pairing to bond with the remote device automatically. The remote peer device as an initiator may raise pairing and bonds with the RNBD451 module.


Keyboard Only

The RNBD451 module as a responder requests pairing to bond with the remote device automatically. Usually, the passkey is displayed in the remote side and needs users to input the passkey with a carriage return to the RNBD451 module. The actual pairing method happens via the I/O capabilities in both sides.


Display Only

The RNBD451 module as responder requests pairing to bond with the remote device automatically. In general, the RNBD451 module displays the passkey and needs users to input the passkey in the remote peer device side. The actual pairing method happens via the I/O capabilities in both sides.
5Keyboard DisplayThe RNBD451 module as responder requests pairing to bond with the remote device automatically. In general, it needs users to do a numeric comparison and confirm. The actual pairing method happens via the I/O capabilities in both sides.

The following table provides details about the I/O capability mapping. For more details about I/O capability mapping, refer to the Bluetooth Core Specification. Before selecting the I/O capability in this command, the user needs to consider the input and output capability of the product with the RNBD451 module. The pairing method happens via the I/O capabilities of both sides. The second parameter is the secure connection only option, the value 0 is to disable the secure connection only, and the value 1 is to enable secure connection only.

Table 5-23. I/O Capability Mapping
Local Input CapacityLocal Output Capacity
No OutputNumeric Output
Local Input CapacityNo InputNo Input No OutputDisplay Only
Yes/NoNo Input No Output(1)Display Yes/No
KeyboardKeyboard OnlyKeyboard Display
  1. None of the pairing algorithms can use Yes/No input and no output; therefore, use No Input No Output as the resulting I/O capability.
Example:SA,1// Set device to display pin
Response:AOK// Success
Err// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Note: The PDS stores the parameter and is effective immediately without a reboot.