Enable Local Privacy (&SEP…)

Format: &SEP,<0,1>,<hex8>,<hex16>[,<hex128>]

Use &SEP command, to enable/disable the local privacy configuration in the RNBD451 module.

When enabling local privacy, the device is in Device Privacy mode, and it is only concerned about its own privacy. It must accept advertising packets from peer devices that contain their identity addresses as well as their private address, even if the peer device has distributed its Identity Resolving Key (IRK). For more details, refer to the Privacy Feature in the Bluetooth Core Specification.

The local privacy feature support in the RNBD451 module is dependent on the first parameter. The value ‘1’ enables the local privacy and value ‘0’ disables the local privacy. If local privacy is disabled, the user can ignore the following parameters.

Use the second parameter to set the privacy address type, only random resolvable address (value 2) and random non-resolvable address (value 3) is allowed.

Use the third parameter to set the timeout interval before the device changes the random privacy device address. It is recommended that this value not be too small.

The fourth parameter is optional for setting local IRK of the local device. Use this parameter if IRK is a known IRK, otherwise, the system uses a default IRK.

Example: &SEP,1,02,0384

// Enable local privacy with a random resolvable address type, and the timeout interval to change the random resolvable address is 900s (unit – 1s).

Response: AOK

// Success

Err // Syntax error or parameter error