47.10.18 USART Channel Status Register (SPI_MODE)

This configuration is relevant only if USART_MODE = 0xE or 0xF in the USART Mode Register.

Offset: 0x214
Property: Read-only

Bit 3130292827262524 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access RRR 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access RR 
Bit 76543210 
Access RRR 

Bit 23 – NSS Image of NSS Line

0 NSS line is driven low (if NSSE = 1, falling edge occurred on NSS line).
1 NSS line is driven high (if NSSE = 1, rising edge occurred on NSS line).

Bit 22 – CMP Comparison Match

0 No received character matched the comparison criteria programmed in VAL1, VAL2 fields and CMPPAR bit in FLEX_US_CMPR since the last RSTSTA command was issued.
1 A received character matched the comparison criteria since the last RSTSTA command was issued.

Bit 19 – NSSE NSS Line (Driving CTS Pin) Rising or Falling Edge Event (cleared on read)

0 No NSS line event has been detected since the last read of FLEX_US_CSR.
1 A rising or falling edge has been detected on the NSS line since the last read of FLEX_US_CSR.

Bit 10 – UNRE Underrun Error

0 No SPI underrun error has occurred since the last RSTSTA command was issued.
1 At least one SPI underrun error has occurred since the last RSTSTA command was issued.

Bit 9 – TXEMPTY Transmitter Empty (cleared by writing FLEX_US_THR)

0 There are characters in either FLEX_US_THR or the Transmit Shift Register, or the transmitter is disabled.
1 There are no characters in FLEX_US_THR, nor in the Transmit Shift Register.

Bit 5 – OVRE Overrun Error

0 No overrun error has occurred since the last RSTSTA command was issued.
1 At least one overrun error has occurred since the last RSTSTA command was issued.

Bit 1 – TXRDY Transmitter Ready (cleared by writing FLEX_US_THR)

0 A character in FLEX_US_THR is waiting to be transferred to the Transmit Shift Register, or the transmitter is disabled. As soon as the transmitter is enabled, TXRDY becomes 1.
1 There is no character in FLEX_US_THR.

Bit 0 – RXRDY Receiver Ready (cleared by reading FLEX_US_RHR)

0 No complete character has been received since the last read of FLEX_US_RHR or the receiver is disabled. If characters were being received when the receiver was disabled, RXRDY changes to 1 when the receiver is enabled.
1 At least one complete character has been received and FLEX_US_RHR has not yet been read.