29.6.7 Interrupt Flag Status and Clear

Important: For PIC32CM LS00/LS60 Non-Secure accesses, write accesses (W*) are allowed only if Non-Secure Write is set in the NONSEC register.
Offset: 0x14
Reset: 0x00
Property:  Write-Mix-Secure

Bit 76543210 
Reset 000000 

Bit 5 – NSCHK Non-Secure Check

This flag is set when the NONSEC register is changed and the new value differs from the NSCHK value.

This bit can be cleared by writing a '1' to its bit location.

0 The NONSEC configuration has not changed since last clear.
1 At least one change has been made to the NONSEC configuration since the last clear.

Bit 4 – KEYE Key Error

This flag is set when a key write-protected register has been accessed in write with a bad key. A one indicates that at least one write access has been discarded.

This bit can be cleared by writing a '1' to its bit location.

0 No key error occured since the last clear.
1 At least one key error occured since the last clear.

Bit 3 – NVME NVM internal Error

This flag is set on the occurrence of a NVM internal error.

This bit can be cleared by writing a '1' to its bit location.

0 No NVM internal error has happened since this bit was last cleared.
1 At least one NVM internal error has happened since this bit was last cleared.

Bit 2 – LOCKE Lock Error

This flag is set on the occurrence of a LOCKE error.

This bit can be cleared by writing a '1' to its bit location.

0 No programming of any locked lock region has happened since this bit was last cleared.
1 Programming of at least one locked lock region has happened since this bit was last cleared.

Bit 1 – PROGE Programming Error

This flag is set on the occurrence of a PROGE error.

This bit can be cleared by writing a '1' to its bit location.

0 No invalid commands or bad keywords were written in the NVM Command register since this bit was last cleared.
1 An invalid command and/or a bad keyword was/were written in the NVM Command register since this bit was last cleared.

Bit 0 – DONE NVM Command Done

This bit can be cleared by writing a one to its bit location
0 The NVM controller has not completed any commands since the last clear.
1 At least one command has completed since the last clear.