33.7.13 Event User m

Important: For SAM L11 Non-Secure accesses, read and write accesses (RW*) are allowed only if the security attribution for the corresponding event user (USERx) is set as Non-Secured in the NONSECUSER register.
Table 33-3. User Multiplexer Number m
USERm User Multiplexer Description Path Type
m=1 TAMPEVT RTC Tamper A
m=2 AUTOW NVMCTRL Auto-Write A,S,R
m=3..6 EVU0-3 PORT Event A
m=7..10 CH0-3 DMA Channel Event S,R
m=11 EVU TC0 EVU A,S,R
m=12 EVU TC1 EVU A,S,R
m=13 EVU TC2 EVU A,S,R
m=14 START ADC Start Conversion A,S,R
m=15 FLUSH Flush ADC A,S,R
m=16..17 COMP0-1 AC Start Comparator A
m=18 START DAC Start Conversion A
m=19 STCONV PTC Start Conversion A,S,R
m=20 DSEQR PTC Sequencing A,S,R
m=21..22 LUT0-1 CCL LUT Input A
  1. A = Asynchronous path, S = Synchronous path, R = Resynchronized path.
Name: USERm
Offset: 0x0120 + m*0x01 [m=0..22]
Reset: 0x0
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Mix-Secure

Bit 76543210 
Reset 0000 

Bits 3:0 – CHANNEL[3:0] Channel Event Selection

These bits select channel n to connect to the event user m.

Note: A value x of this bit field selects channel n = x-1.
0x00 No channel selected
0x01 Channel 0 selected
0x02 Channel 1 selected
0x03 Channel 2 selected
0x04 Channel 3 selected
0x05 Channel 4 selected
0x06 Channel 5 selected
0x07 Channel 6 selected
0x08 Channel 7 selected