Scheduling Result

The scheduling result section shows trip count, iteration time, total time, and initiation interval (II) for any pipelined or unpipelined loops, or functions. The loops are grouped under their parent function in a tree structure to show the hierarchy. Below is an example table:

+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Function: row_cumulative_sum takes 40804 cycles                                                      | +---------------------------+--------------------+------------+-------------------+----+---------------+ | Loop                      | Location In Source | Trip Count | Iteration Latency | II | Total Latency | +---------------------------+--------------------+------------+-------------------+----+---------------+ | for.loop:main.cpp:7:5     | line 7 of main.cpp | 200        | 204               | -  | 40800         | | |__ for.loop:main.cpp:9:9 | line 9 of main.cpp | 199        | 3                 | 1  | 201           | +---------------------------+--------------------+------------+-------------------+----+---------------+

SmartHLS Schedule Viewer also shows the same information.