Pipeline Result

The pipeline result section reports the initiation interval, pipeline length, iteration count, and latency for each pipelined loop or function.

| Label              | Function            | Basic Block | Location in Source Code        | Initiation Interval | Pipeline Length | Iteration Count | Latency |
| gaussian_loop      | gaussian_filter     | while_body  | line 63 of gaussian_filter.cpp | 1                   | 7               | n/a             | n/a     |
| loop_test_checker  | test_output_checker | for_body    | line 39 of test_util.cpp       | 1                   | 3               | 262144          | 262146  |
| loop_test_injector | test_input_injector | for_body    | line 19 of test_util.cpp       | 1                   | 2               | 262144          | 262145  |

The iteration count and latency may not be available for a pipelined function or a pipelined loop with non-deterministic loop bound. Please refer to Loop Pipelining and Function Pipelining for more details. SmartHLS's Schedule Viewer also gives more details about how individual instructions are scheduled inside each pipeline.