7.11 Generating the SmartDesign Component

After creating your visual design, you need to convert your design into an HDL file that is used during synthesis and/or simulation of the design. Click Generate Component in SmartDesign toolbar to automatically invoke the DRC and check for any errors.

If there are any DRC errors, the error messages are printed in the Message window. All errors must be fixed for a successful component generation. Once all the errors are fixed, the component can be generated either recursively or non-recursively. Non-Recursive generation is enabled by default.

Important: Generating a SmartDesign component invalidates the synthesis state of the design if the component is used in that design.

7.11.1 Generating the SmartDesign Component Recursively

In recursive generation mode, the Generate functionality generates all non-generated components, including the SmartDesign and the configured core components in a bottom-up fashion. The parent SmartDesign components generates only if all the components it uses are generated successfully.

To enable recursive generation of designs, perform the following steps:

  1. On the menu, click Project > Preferences. The Project Preferences dialog box appears.
  2. In the Project Preferences dialog box, select Design Flow from the preferences list on the left side. All the design flow related options are displayed on the right side.
  3. In the SmartDesign generation options group, select Generate recursively. Recursive generation of the SmartDesign is enabled.

7.11.2 Generating the SmartDesign Component Non-recursively

In non-recursive generation mode, the Generatecommand generates the active SmartDesign. If the generation is successful, SmartDesign is marked as successfully generated even if a sub-component is un-generated (either never attempted or unsuccessfully attempted). An un-generated component is annotates with an exclamation symbol circled in blue color in the Design Hierarchy tab.

To enable non-recursive generation of designs, perform the following steps:

  1. On the menu, click Project > Preferences. The Project Preferences dialog box appears.
  2. In the Project Preferences dialog box, select Design Flow from the preferences list on the left side. All the design flow related options are displayed on the right side.
  3. In the SmartDesign generation options group, select Generate non-recursively. Non-recursive generation of the SmartDesign is enabled.