7.18 Appendix C - Keyboard Shortcuts

The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts available in the SmartDesign canvas.

Table 7-9. SmartDesign Keyboard Shortcuts
Shortcut Key Description
Ctrl+w Maximize or Minimize the canvas work area.
Ctrl+ + or Ctrl+scroll wheel up Zoom in (same as clicking the Zoom In button in the toolbar or pressing Ctrl+ mouse).
Ctrl+- or Ctrl+scroll wheel down Zoom out (same as clicking the Zoom Out button in the toolbar or pressing Ctrl+mouse scroll wheel down).
Ctrl+c Copy selected instances, ports, and nets with all their properties to the clipboard.
Ctrl+v If there is a copy or cut information of an instance or port available in clipboard, paste them. Cut data is removed from the source SmartDesign after paste.
Ctrl+x Cut selected instances, ports, and nets.
Ctrl+h Creates Hierarchical SmartDesign out of the selected portion.
Ctrl+J Flattens the selected Hierarchical SmartDesign.
Ctrl+k, Ctrl+f Open or close the Smart Search and Connect tool.
Ctrl+t Open or close the Manage Synthesis Attributes tool.
Ctrl+z Undo the last operation.
Ctrl+y Redo the last operation.
Shift+click This command is helpful when multiple items are selected for the same command (For example, promotion to top-level or Add to the group).Click one item and Shift+click another item. The first clicked item, the second clicked item, and all items of the same type between the first and the second clicks are selected automatically.
Ctrl+click Toggle switch that selects or de-selects an item hovering your mouse cursor.
Ctrl+Shift+click and drag Selects a pin of an instance and drag it to a new location. This is not available for macros and expanded in place instances.