7.17 Appendix B - Available Cores in Libero SoC Catalog

The following is a consolidated table of all the available initiators, bus, and bridge cores supported by the memory map feature. The last column specifies, if needed, the minimum version of the core required for the memory map feature to work as expected.

Table 7-8. Initiators, Bus, and Bridge Cores Available in Libero SoC Catalog
Classification Core Core Type Core Versions for Correct Memory Map Generation
Initiators MIV_RV32IMC AXI, AHBLite and APB3 Initiators All available production versions supported

AXI, AHBLite and APB3 Initiators

All available production versions supported
MIV_RV32IMA_L1_AXI AXI Initiator All available production versions supported
MIV_RV32IMA_L1_AHB AHBLite Initiator All available production versions supported
MIV_RV32IMAF_L1_AHB AHBLite Initiator All available production versions supported
CORERISCV_AXI4 AXI4 Initiator All available production versions supported
COREAXI4DMACONTROLLER AXI4 Initiator All available production versions supported
COREABC APB3 Initiator All available production versions supported
Family-specific Initiator cores PolarFire® SoC Standalone MSS (PolarFire SoC only) AXI4 Initiator All available production versions supported
System Builder and SmartFusion® 2 MSS (SmartFusion2 and IGLOO® 2) AHBLite and APB3 Initiators All available production versions supported
CORECORTEXM1(PolarFire, PolarFire SoC and RTG4) AHBLite Initiator All available production versions supported
PF_PCIE (PolarFire only) AXI Initiator All available production versions supported
SERDES_IF, SERDES_IF2, SERDES_IF3 (SmartFusion 2 and IGLOO 2) AXI and AHBLite Initiators All available production versions supported
PCIE_SERDES_IF (RTG4 only) AXI and AHBLite Initiators All available production versions supported
COREHPDMACTRL (SmartFusion 2 and IGLOO 2) AHBLite Initiator All available production versions supported
CORESYSSERVICES (SmartFusion 2 and IGLOO 2) AHBLite Initiator All available production versions supported
CoreConfigMaster (SmartFusion 2 and IGLOO 2) AHBLite Initiator All available production versions supported
Bus cores COREAXI4INTERCONNECT AXI bus Version v2.5.100 and above supported
CoreAHBLite AHBLite bus All available production versions supported
CoreAPB3 APB3 bus All available production versions supported
CoreAXI AXI bus All available production versions supported
Family-specific bus type cores PF_DRI (PolarFire and PolarFire SoC) APB bus Support for generating Memory Maps is planned for a future release.
CoreConfigP (SmartFusion 2 and IGLOO 2) APB bus All available production versions supported
Bridge cores COREAXITOAHBL AXI to AHBLite bridge Version v3.5.100 and above
COREAHBL2AHBL_BRIDGE AHBLite to AHBLite bridge Support for generating Memory Maps is planned for a future release.
COREAHBLTOAXI AHBLite to AXI bridge All available production versions supported
COREAHBTOAPB3 AHBLite to APB bridge All available production versions supported
COREAXITOAXICONNECT AXI to AXI bridge Support for generating Memory Maps is planned for a future release.