7.6 Finding Objects in Your Project

You can quickly and easily find objects in your project using the Find bar functionality.

To find for objects in your project, perform the following steps:

  1. On the menu, click View and select Find Bar. The Find dockable dialog box appears at the bottom the Libero main window.
    Figure 7-19. Find Dialog Box
    Tip: Ensure to retain the Find Bar option enabled to avoid performing step 1 and directly continue with step 2 whenever Libero is launched next.
  2. In the Find box, specify the object type you want to find.
  3. In the Search in box, select the location in which you want to search the object.
    Figure 7-20. Find Dialog Box with Find and Find in Filled
  4. Click Find All. If the objects you are trying to find are available in the specified search location, the search results are populated in the Search Results dockable dialog box. When you select a search result, it is highlighted and displayed in the library.
    Figure 7-21. Search Results Dialog Box with Results Populated