7.19 Appendix D – Component Types

A component instance is a block-like item with pins on either side, connected to create designs. You might have multiple instances of a single component in your design. You usually have custom connections for each instance that differ from other instances of the same component.

The following table lists the component types and its diagrammatic representation in the SmartDesign canvas.

Table 7-10. Component Types in the SmartDesign Tool and Tooltip
Icon Types of Design Components Tooltip Information
A picture containing text, electronics, circuit Description automatically generated
Configured IP Core Component Component: my_pcie Core: PF_PCIE 1.0.217
A picture containing text, electronics, circuit Description automatically generated
IP Core directly instantiated from the Catalog Core: PF_PCIE 1.0.217
Block Component Block: prep1
Chart Description automatically generated
SmartDesign Component SmartDesign: mytop
Parameterized HDL Core Modules HDL Core: mux4
HDL Module HDL:adder_shifter32
Library Macro Macro: RAM64x12