Error Emulation

The ECC memory simulation models can emulate errors by randomly asserting the ECC signals based on a user-defined probability. For more details on SRAM ECC emulation, see Table 4-9. Vsim Command Options in Libero® SoC Design Flow User Guide. SmartHLS provides Tcl commands to emulate the errors in both software and hardware:

A value between 0.0 and 1.0 that represents the error probability (single or double-bit errors) in software and simulation.
A value between 0.0 and 1.0 that represents the probability of a single-bit error when an error is detected in software and simulation.
Enable messages from the memory RTL model when an error is detected.

For more details and examples of the above Tcl commands, check out ECC_ERROR_PROBABILITY, ECC_CORRECTION_PROBABILITY, and ECC_WARNING_MSGS_ON in Constraints Manual.

Warning: Due to using a random function to emulate the error/correction behavior, the error location and number of errors/corrections can be different between software and simulation.