

typedef struct BLE_GAP_EvtExtAdvReport_T
    uint8_t                 eventType;
    uint8_t                 dataStatus;
    BLE_GAP_Addr_T          addr;
    uint8_t                 priPhy;
    uint8_t                 secPhy;
    uint8_t                 sid;
    int8_t                  txPower;
    int8_t                  rssi;
    uint16_t                periodAdvInterval;
    BLE_GAP_Addr_T          directAddr;
    uint8_t                 length;
    uint8_t                 advData[BLE_GAP_EXT_ADV_FRAGMENT_MAX_LENGTH];
} BLE_GAP_EvtExtAdvReport_T;

Field Documentation

eventTypeEvent type. See Event type for extended advertising report.
dataStatusData status. See Data status for extended advertising report.
addrAddress type. See Address type.
priPhyPrimary PHY. See PHY setting for extended advertising report.
secPhySecondary PHY. See PHY setting for extended advertising report.
sidAdvertising SID. 0x00 ~ 0x0F: Value of the Advertising SID subfield in the ADI field of the PDU. 0xFF: No ADI field in the PDU.
txPowerTx power. unit: dBm
rssiRSSI value.
periodAdvIntervalInterval of the periodic advertising. Unit: 1.25 ms
directAddrDirected address type. See Address type.
lengthLength of advertising data.
advDataFragmented advertising data.