

typedef struct BLE_GAP_EvtPeriAdvSyncEst_T
    uint8_t                 status;
    uint16_t                syncHandle;
    uint8_t                 advSid;
    BLE_GAP_Addr_T          advAddr;
    uint8_t                 advPhy;
    uint16_t                periAdvInterval;
    uint8_t                 advClkAccuracy;

Field Documentation

statusStatus of the periodic advertising sync establishment. See Status definitions for possible values.
syncHandleSync handle.
advSidAdvertising Set Identifier of the periodic advertiser.
advAddrAddress of the periodic advertiser.
advPhyPHY on which the advertising packets are received. See PHY types for possible values.
periAdvIntervalPeriodic advertising interval in units of 1.25 ms.
advClkAccuracyClock accuracy of the advertiser. See The accuracy of the periodic advertiser's clock for possible values.