

typedef struct BLE_GAP_AdvParams_T
    uint16_t                intervalMin;
    uint16_t                intervalMax;
    uint8_t                 type;
    BLE_GAP_Addr_T          peerAddr;
    uint8_t                 advChannelMap;
    uint8_t                 filterPolicy;
} BLE_GAP_AdvParams_T;


Structure for configuring advertising parameters.

Field Documentation

intervalMinMinimum advertising interval. Value range defined in Advertising interval. Unit: 0.625 ms.
intervalMaxMaximum advertising interval. Value range defined in Advertising interval. Unit: 0.625 ms.
typeType of advertising. Refer to Address types for possible values.
peerAddrPeer device's Bluetooth address and type. See BLE_GAP_Addr_T for structure details.
advChannelMapBitmap indicating which of the three advertising channels will be used. See Advertising channels for the definitions.
filterPolicyAdvertising filter policy to determine how the advertiser filters scan and connection requests. See Advertising filter policies for options.