

typedef struct BLE_GAP_ConnParams_T
    uint16_t                intervalMin;
    uint16_t                intervalMax;
    uint16_t                latency;
    uint16_t                supervisionTimeout;
} BLE_GAP_ConnParams_T;


Structure for configuring connection parameters.

Field Documentation

intervalMinMinimum allowed connection interval in 1.25ms units. Value must not exceed intervalMax. See Connection parameters range for the valid ranges.
intervalMaxMaximum allowed connection interval in 1.25ms units. See Connection parameters range for the valid ranges.
latencyPeripheral latency for the connection in terms of number of connection events. See Connection parameters range for the valid ranges.
supervisionTimeoutSupervision timeout for the connection in 10ms units. Must be equal to or greater than (1 + latency) * intervalMax * 2. See Connection parameters range for valid ranges.