

typedef struct BLE_GAP_PathLossReportingParams_T
    uint16_t 				connHandle;
    uint8_t  				highThreshold;
    uint8_t  				highHysteresis;
    uint8_t  				lowThreshold;
    uint8_t  				lowHysteresis;
    uint16_t 				minTimeSpent;
} BLE_GAP_PathLossReportingParams_T;


Structure for configuring path loss reporting parameters.

Field Documentation

connHandleConnection handle associated with this connection.
highThresholdHigh threshold for path loss detection. Exceeding this value triggers an event. (Unit: dBm)
highHysteresisHysteresis for the high threshold to prevent frequent reporting due to small changes in path loss. (Unit: dBm)
lowThresholdLow threshold for path loss detection. Falling below this value triggers an event. (Unit: dBm)
lowHysteresisHysteresis for the low threshold to prevent frequent reporting due to small changes in path loss. (Unit: dBm)
minTimeSpentMinimum time (in number of connection events) that the path loss must be observed beyond the threshold before an event is reported.