

typedef struct BLE_GAP_EvtPeriAdvReport_T
    uint16_t                syncHandle;
    uint8_t                 txPwr;
    int8_t                  rssi;
    uint8_t                 cteType;
    uint8_t                 dataStatus;
    uint8_t                 dataLength;
    uint8_t                 advData[BLE_GAP_PERIODIC_ADV_FRAGMENT_MAX_LENGTH];

Field Documentation

syncHandleHandle identifying the periodic advertising sync.
txPwrTransmit power of the periodic advertising packet in dBm.
rssiReceived Signal Strength Indication for the received packet in dBm.
cteTypeConstant Tone Extension type of the periodic advertising packet. See Type of constant tone extension for possible values.
dataStatusData status indicating completeness of the periodic advertising data. See Received data status for possible values.
dataLengthLength of the advertising data in bytes.
advDataBuffer containing the periodic advertising data.