

typedef struct BLE_GAP_CreateSync_T
    uint8_t                 options;
    uint8_t                 advSid;
    BLE_GAP_Addr_T          advAddr;
    uint16_t                skip;
    uint16_t                syncTimeout;


Structure for creating synchronization with periodic advertising.

Field Documentation

optionsOptions for using the Periodic Advertiser List and enabling/disabling reports, as defined in Options for creating synchronization.
advSidAdvertising Set Identifier for identifying the Periodic Advertising, as defined in Advertising Set Identifier (SID) range.
advAddrAddress of the advertiser, either public or random (static) identity.
skipNumber of periodic advertising packets that can be skipped after a successful receive, ranging from 0x0000 to 0x01F3. Refer to Maximum number of skipped periodic advertising events for maximun value.
syncTimeoutTimeout for synchronization with the periodic advertising train, in units of 10 ms. Must be equal to or greater than (2+skip)*(periodic advertising interval). Refer to Synchronization timeout for valid ranges.