56.15 DAC Module Electrical Specifications

Table 56-17. DAC Module Electrical Specifications
AC CHARACTERISTICS Standard Operating Conditions: VDD = AVDD = 1.71V to 3.63V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature:

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C for Extended Temperature

Param. No. Symbol Characteristics Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
DDAC_19 INL Integral Non Linearity -4.1 4.1 LSB 1Msps, External VREF REFSEL= VREFAB = 2.4V

CTRLB.REFSEL[1:0] = 0x2,

AVDD = VDD = 3.3V w/ CLOAD and RLOAD.

DDAC_21 DNL Differential Non Linearity -4.5 4.5 LSB
DDAC_23 GERR Gain Error -78 78 LSB
DDAC_25 EOFF Offset Error -80.3 80.3 LSB 1Msps, External VREF REFSEL= VREFAB= 2.4V

CTRLB.REFSEL[1:0] = 0x2,

AVDD = VDD = 3.3V w/ CLOAD and RLOAD.

SDAC_19 INL Integral Non Linearity -6 6 LSB 1Msps, External VREF REFSEL= VREFAB = 2.4V

CTRLB.REFSEL[1:0] = 0x2,

AVDD = VDD = 3.3V w/ CLOAD and RLOAD.

SDAC_21 DNL Differential Non Linearity -8.1 8.1 LSB
SDAC_23 GERR Gain Error -65.6 65.6 LSB
SDAC_25 EOFF Offset Error -44.4 44.4 LSB 1Msps, External VREF REFSEL= VREFAB = 2.4V

CTRLB.REFSEL[1:0] = 0x2,

AVDD = VDD = 3.3V w/ CLOAD and RLOAD.

  1. DAC reference voltages < 2.4V, is not practical and peripheral performance is not guaranteed.
  2. DAC functional device operation with external VREF<2.4V is guaranteed, but not characterized. DAC will function, but with degraded performance. DAC accuracy is limited by users application noise/accuracy on AVDD, AVSS and VREF accuracy/drift.
  3. 12-bit mode.
  4. Over VOUT range defined by DAC_7 parameter.