56.27 EEPROM Electrical Specifications

Table 56-34. EEPROM Electrical Specifications (1)
AC CHARACTERISTICS Standard Operating Conditions: VDD = AVDD = 1.71V to 3.63V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature:

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C for Extended Temperature

Param. No. Symbol Characteristics Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
EEP_5 EEREAD EEPROM Read 0 Wait States NVM_5 MHz VDD=3.3V,


1 Wait States NVM_5
2 Wait States NVM_5
3 Wait States NVM_5
4 Wait States NVM_5
5 Wait States NVM_5
  1. EEPROM parameters are dependent upon NVM parameters tied to SmartEEPROM emulation algorithm.