56.7 MCU Backup Current Consumption

Table 56-9. MCU Backup Current Consumption Electrical Specifications (1,2)
DC CHARACTERISTICS Standard Operating Conditions: VDD = AVDD = 1.71V to 3.63V (unless otherwise stated)

Operating temperature:

-40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C for Extended Temperature

Param. No. Symbol Characteristics VDD or VBAT Min. Max. Units Conditions
BPWR_1 IDD_BACKUP Backup powered from VDD VDD = 3.3V 308 µA No RTC, No XOSC32 running

No backup RAM retained (PM.BKUPCFG.BRAMCFG=0x2)

BOD33 disabled

BPWR_3 VDD = 1.8V 304 µA
BPWR_5 VDD = 3.3V 310 µA RTC running on XOSC32K

No backup RAM retained (PM.BKUPCFG.BRAMCFG=0x2)

BOD33 disabled

BPWR_7 VDD = 1.8V 305 µA
BPWR_9 VDD = 3.3V 349 µA No RTC running, No XOSC32 running

4 KB backup RAM retained (PM.BKUPCFG.BRAMCFG = 0x1)

BOD33 disabled

BPWR_11 VDD = 1.8V 345 µA
BPWR_13 VDD = 3.3V 390 µA No RTC , No XOSC32

8 KB backup RAM retained (PM.BKUPCFG.BRAMCFG=0x0)

BOD33 disabled

BPWR_15 VDD = 1.8V 385 µA
BPWR_17 IDD_BACKUP Backup powered from VBAT VBAT=3.3V 309 µA No RTC, No XOSC32 running

No backup RAM retained (PM.BKUPCFG.BRAMCFG=0x2)

BOD33 enabled in sampled mode PSEL prescaler set to 0x7 (div 256)

BPWR_19 VBAT(min) 304 µA
BPWR_21 VBAT=3.3V 310 µA RTC running on XOSC32K

No backup RAM retained (PM.BKUPCFG.BRAMCFG=0x2)

BOD33 enabled in sampled mode PSEL prescaler set to 0x7 (div 256)

BPWR_23 VBAT(min) 305 µA
BPWR_25 VBAT=3.3V 350 µA No RTC, No XOSC32 running

4 KB backup RAM retained (PM.BKUPCFG.BRAMCFG=0x1)

BOD33 enabled in sampled mode PSEL prescaler set to 0x7 (div 256)

BPWR_27 VBAT(min) 345 µA
BPWR_29 VBAT=3.3V 391 µA No RTC, No XOSC32 running

8 KB backup RAM retained (PM.BKUPCFG.BRAMCFG=0x0)

BOD33 enabled in sampled mode PSEL prescaler set to 0x7 (div 256)

BPWR_31 VBAT(min) 386 µA
  1. Conditions:
    • No peripheral modules are operating (i.e. all peripherals inactive)
    • MCLK all APB clock masked except MCLK and NVMCTRL
    • MCLK.AHBMASK = 0x00C00FFF
    • BOD33 is disabled unless noted
    • I/Os are inactive input mode with input trigger disabled
    • All clock generation sources disabled unless otherwise specified
    • WDT, CFD Clock Fail Detect disabled
    • RESET = VDD
  2. For the PIC32CX SG60/SG61 variants, the current consumption of the HSM is not taken into account and must be added according to its operating mode. Refer to the “PIC32CX SG60/SG61 Hardware Security Module Addendum (DS60001750)” for additional information.