3.3.12 tmcFoc_State_s Struct


/* Data structure for FOC state: Floating point version */
typedef struct
    bool enable;                              /* Flag indicating FOC module enable status */   
    bool initDone;                            /* Flag indicating FOC module initialization status */
    tmcFoc_FocState_e FocState;              /* Current state of the FOC. */ 
    tmcTypes_DQ_s uDQ;                        /* DQ-axis voltage vector. */
    float32_t openLoopAngle;                  /* Open loop angle for motor control. */
    float32_t openLoopSpeed;                  /* Open loop speed for motor control. */
    float32_t iQref;                          /* Reference current for the Q-axis. */
    float32_t iDref;                          /* Reference current for the D-axis. */
    float32_t nRef;                           /* Reference speed. */
    float32_t angleDifference;                 /* Angle difference for position calculation */
    float32_t commandDirection;               /* Command direction for the motor. */
    float32_t ratedSpeedInRpm;                /* Rated speed of the motor in RPM. */
    tmcFly_Parameters_s bFlyingStart;        /* Parameters for Flying start control. */
    tmcSup_Parameters_s bOpenLoopStartup;     /* Parameters for open loop startup. */
    tmcPwm_Parameters_s bPwmModulator;        /* Parameters for PWM modulation. */
    tmcFlx_Parameters_s bFluxController;      /* Parameters for flux control. */
    tmcTor_Parameters_s bTorqueController;    /* Parameters for torque control. */
    tmcSpe_Parameters_s bSpeedController;     /* Parameters for speed control. */
   tmcPos_Parameters_s bPositionController;   /* Parameters for position control. */
    tmcRef_Parameters_s bReferenceController; /* Parameters for reference control. */
    tmcRpe_Parameters_s bPositionEstimation; /* Parameters for position estimation module. */
    uint16_t duty[3u];                        /* PWM duty cycle values for three phases. */    

/* Data structure for FOC state: Fixed point version */

typedef struct
    bool enable;                              /* Flag indicating FOC module enable status */   
    bool initDone;                            /* Flag indicating FOC module initialization status */
    tmcFoc_FocState_e FocState;               /* Current state of the FOC. */ 
    tmcTypes_DQ_s uDQ;                        /* DQ-axis voltage vector. */
    tmcTypes_AlphaBeta_s eAlphaBeta;          /* Alpha-beta bemf components */
    uint16_t openLoopAngle;                   /* Open loop angle for motor control. */
    int16_t openLoopSpeed;                    /* Open loop speed for motor control. */
    int16_t iQref;                            /* Reference current for the Q-axis. */
    int16_t iDref;                            /* Reference current for the D-axis. */
    int16_t nRef;                             /* Reference speed. */
    int16_t angleDifference;                  /* Angle difference for position calculation */
    int16_t commandDirection;                 /* Command direction for the motor. */
    int16_t ratedSpeedInRpm;                  /* Rated speed of the motor in RPM. */
    tmcSup_Parameters_s bOpenLoopStartup;     /* Parameters for open loop startup. */
    tmcPwm_Parameters_s bPwmModulator;        /* Parameters for PWM modulation. */
    tmcFlx_Parameters_s bFluxController;      /* Parameters for flux control. */
    tmcTor_Parameters_s bTorqueController;    /* Parameters for torque control. */
    tmcSpe_Parameters_s bSpeedController;     /* Parameters for speed control. */
    tmcRef_Parameters_s bReferenceController; /* Parameters for reference control. */
    tmcRpc_Parameters_s bPositionCalculation; /**< Position calculation parameters */
    tmcRpe_Parameters_s bPositionEstimation; /**< Position estimation parameters */
    uint16_t duty[3u];                        /* PWM duty cycle values for three phases. */    


Field Oriented Control (FOC) Module Structure


This structure holds the state and parameters for the Field Oriented Control (FOC) module. It includes control flags, state variables, and parameters for various control modules.


Refer the generated header file for the exact typedef signature.