48.13 Rev. K – 09/2016

SAM D21 Ordering Information(1)
  • SAM D21E: Added Device Variant C ordering codes.
  • Device Identification: Added Device Variant C.
I/O Multiplexing and Considerations
PM – Power Manager
DSU - Device Service Unit
RTC – Real-Time Counter
TC – Timer/Counter
  • CTRLA.WAVEGEN[1:0]: Name column updated.
TCC – Timer/Counter for Control Applications
  • Non-Recoverable Faults: Removed references to Update Fault State (UFS).
  • Removed the UFS bit from the INTENCLR, INTENSET, INTFLAG and STATUS registers.
  • Removed RAMP2C from the WAVE.WAVE[2:0]=0x3
Electrical Characteristics at 85℃
Packaging Information
  • Added errata for Device Variant C.
Electrical Characteristics at 125°C