32.6.11 Channel n Interrupt Flag Status and Clear

Important: For PIC32CM LS00/LS60 Non-Secure accesses, read and write accesses (RW*) are allowed only if the security attribution for the corresponding channel (CHANNELx) is set as Non-Secured in the NONSECCHAN register.
Offset: 0x26 + n*0x08 [n=0..7]
Reset: 0x00
Property: Mix-Secure

Bit 76543210 
Access RW/RW*/RWRW/RW*/RW 
Reset 00 

Bit 1 – EVD Channel Event Detected

This flag is set on the next CLK_EVSYS_APB cycle when an event is being propagated through the channel, and an interrupt request will be generated if CHINTENCLR/SET.EVD is '1'.

When the event channel path is asynchronous, the EVD interrupt flag will not be set.

Writing a '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing a '1' to this bit will clear the Event Detected Channel interrupt flag.

Bit 0 – OVR Channel Overrun

This flag is set on the next CLK_EVSYS cycle after an overrun channel condition occurs, and an interrupt request will be generated if CHINTENCLR/SET.OVRx is '1'.

There are two possible overrun channel conditions:

  • One or more of the event users on the channel are not ready when a new event occurs.
  • An event happens when the previous event on channel has not yet been handled by all event users.

When the event channel path is asynchronous, the OVR interrupt flag will not be set.

Writing a '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing a '1' to this bit will clear the Overrun Channel interrupt flag.