32.6.16 Interrupt Flag Status and Clear

Important: This register is only available for PIC32CM LS00/LS60 and has no effect for PIC32CM LE00.
Offset: 0x1D6
Reset: 0x0
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access RW/RW/RW 
Reset 0 

Bit 0 – NSCHK Non-Secure Check

This flag is set when a bit in NSCHKCHAN is 1 and the corresponding bit in NONSECCHAN is cleared, or when a bit in NSCHKCHAN is 0 and the corresponding bit in NONSECCHAN is set, or when a bit in NSCHKUSER is 1 and the corresponding bit in NONSECUSER is cleared, or when a bit in NSCHKUSER is 0 and the corresponding bit in NONSECUSER is set.

Writing '0' to this bit has no effect.

Writing '1' to this bit will clear the Non-Secure Check interrupt flag.